The 5 Best Programming Languages for Newbies and Computer Science Students

 I have created this blog to help out fellow computer science students to have a bigger lead on other students and have a great skills and expertise, newbies are welcome as well😊. To begin with, There are many programming languages in the world, and each one has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. Some languages are better for specific purposes than others. Here is a list of the best programming languages, based on various factors.

1. Python🐍

Python is a versatile language that is easy to learn and use. It is also a very well supported language, and there are a lot of libraries available. It is useful for both large and small applications. It works well for scientific and mathematical applications and is also great for scripting. The syntactic structure is more succinct than other languages and it is free and widely known among beginners and professionals.

2. C++

C++ is used in a variety of applications, scientific and numerical computing, game programming, software development and much more. It is also easy to use for beginners and professionals. I Highly advice Newbies and High school students to learn this language first before entering college; you will be pulling ahead of your class with programming syntax and skills this way!. The only problem that this programming language might soon be replaced by carbon which means this list might get updated soon :))).

3. Javascript

According to Stack Overflow’s 2020 Developer Survey, JavaScript currently stands as the most used programming language in the world (69.7%), followed by HTML/CSS (62.4%), SQL (56.9%), Python (41.6%) and Java (38.4%). JavaScript is used to control how web pages behave. It enables programmers to make dynamic web elements including animated images, interactive maps, clickable buttons, and more. Combining HTML, CSS, and JavaScript gives programmers greater control over a website and the opportunity to improve navigation and readability for users. If you are interested in front-end and web development then this programming language is clearly for you.

4. Java

Java is a tough one to recommend to beginners. However, if you are eager to learn and have the skillset I highly advice this language to be learned since there is a lot of application on it like E-commerce, Finance, and App development. boasts incredible security and can handle massive amounts of data. Java is an ideal language for the online finance sector, and it is often applied in industries such as banking, billing and the stock market. 

5. SQL

SQL or Structured Query Language, a language that enables database queries and manipulation by programmers. It is primarily intended for managing data inside of an RDBMS because it is a domain-specific language (relational database management system). Simply put, SQL has the ability to update, add, or remove records from a database as well as locate and retrieve data from it. Usually SQL is more known and used by data scientists.

In conclusion, there is a lot more programming languages than the ones I just mentioned. However, I believe those are the best among all languages I have encountered as a university student and a programming enthusiast. Moreover, I encourage students to create more programs and widen there horizons in each language so they have a shot as an intern or full time job.



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